(A Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade of SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar)


Dita Silitonga
NPM. 14120018



            This chapter is an introduction of this study. It presents a brief description of the background of the research in foreign language classroom. Subsequently, the background of the study is followed by the purpose, questions, significance, and key terms of the study.

A.    Background of the Research
English language has an important role in educational world, especially in Indonesia. It could be seen that English has been learnt in some level of education. For instance, in Indonesia, this language has been taught from kindergarten level to university level. It says that English is learnt for all level of education in Indonesia.
However, every language has its own rules and uniqueness, English does too. English has four basic language skills. They are listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Speaking and writing involve language production, so they are regarded as productive skills. On the other hand, listening and reading involve receiving message, so they are regarded as receptive skills.
Reading, as one of language skills, has a very important role. The students should comprehend the reading for certain purposes, however it needs a practical and suitable method.
The idea is supported by the fact that reading now has a part of daily life. Reading cant be separated from daily activities. People read many kinds written materials such as newspapers, magazines, novels, academic books and so on. Through reading people can get a lot of information, knowledge, enjoyment and even problem solution. Therefore, the ability to read the text in any form will bring great advantages to the readers. All those purposes need reading skill enough.
So that way, when people talk about reading, it might be automatically related to comprehension or understanding. For instance, a reader who understands what he has read can answer questions about it. It means that understanding something is the main goal of reading.
Reading becomes an important part of language teaching, and it has complicated problem. Some teachers considered that reading is not favorite activity for most students. Therefore, English teachers should find strategies to overcome this problem. They are expected to find appropriate strategies or activities to make students understand reading text and moreover enjoy reading.
Talking about reading activities, there are some techniques that can be used by the English teachers. Absolutely, every teacher should choose the appropriate one to reach their goals. For example in Indonesia, it is known that most of the classes are big. These classes can consist of 35 up to 45 students or more for each class. Consequently, it is hard for the teacher to manage such big classes. It is difficult for the teacher to make the contact to the student directly, moreover students at the back row. The teachers will be difficult to control every students on by one. On the other side, it is also difficult for the students to ask for and receive individual attention. Moreover, if the teacher wants to actively engage the students in the students in learning activities, it will take more time to do it. According to Diane’s statement that good language learners are who have a strong desire to communicate.
From explanation above, it means that teachers must consider a strategy that suitable for teaching reading in order to make the learning process becomes effective. The strategy its self should be adjusted with the condition of the class and the ability of the students. Because every class has its condition its self, it also will determine the suitable strategy its self.
Also, the strategy used by English teachers in teaching reading must be adjusted to the kinds of reading text. In the current curriculum - School based curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), there are several texts which are ought to be learnt by high school students in Indonesia. According to the Standard of Competence (SK) and Basic Competence (KD) in the current curriculum KTSP 2006, some of those texts are procedure, descriptive, argumentative and narrative text.
Among the texts which are mentioned above, narrative text is considered as the most interesting text. A narrative text is a piece of text which tells a story and, in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener. The text consists of orientation, complication, or problems and resolution. Students are expected to understand the text, but many students still find difficulties in reaching the goal. They sometimes can not find the ideas of whole the text. The students are difficult to comprehend the text, it makes them confused. Finally, the students do not understand the plot of the whole story.
In teaching narrative text, the students often feel bored because the teachers sometimes ask the students to translate the story whereas it is ineffective method of making students understand the text. Absolutely, the student can not enjoy the text its self.
To overcome those problems in teaching narrative text, the teacher can use suitable and interesting methods or techniques which are also suitable for the learners. Every method has its own features and weakness. Also, to minimize these problems, students should be a centre activity of teaching and learning process or cooperative learning. It is based on Sharan’s idea about cooperative learning in her book that cooperative learning is a group - centered and student - centered approach to classroom teaching and learning.
Even though cooperative study has its problems, it becomes advantages and disadvantages of the method. Slavin explains more about the problems and how to solve them.
From the explanation above, the writer would like to propose one teaching technique which has been shown to be a beneficial teaching technique in improving students’ understanding of narrative text, that is by using story mapping. Story mapping is a graphic or semantic visual representation of a story. The map illustrates ways to show an overview of a story. It also tell the information about its generic structure, such as characters, setting, goal, event and resolution.
In teaching narrative text by using story mapping, the teacher asks the students to read first the text then make a summary by drawing graphic and filling it with everything that related to the story. Its purpose is to improve their understanding of what they read. These steps are preceded by pre - test then finalized by post test to get the summary of the whole research to show the effectiveness of the method.

B.     The Formulation of the Problem
In this study, the writer necessarily does classroom action research to see the students’ improvement in reading comprehension of narrative text at SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar. The writer applies story mapping method in this research. The main problem of this study is ”Can story mapping improve the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text at SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar?”. In addition, “How does story mapping improve students’ reading comprehension of narrative text at SMPN3 Pematangsiantar?”

C.    The Objective of the Research
Based on the formulation of the problem which posed above, the main objective of the study is to evaluate the English teaching learning process especially in learning narrative text at SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar. The objective of the study are:
1.      To know whether story mapping can improve students’ reading comprehension of narrative text at SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar.
2.      To know how story mapping improve the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text at SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar.

D.    The Significance of the Research
The results of the research was expected to help English teachers applying appropriate method in teaching narrative text to make teaching learning process will get more understanding about the material, so it will get some improvements quickly.
Also, this research may be used by other researcher as a tool to make a comparison of other similar research particularly to compare some methods which are used to improve the students’ understanding of English texts especially to improve the understanding of narrative text. Finally the teaching learning process will be innovative and effective. This research may be called as participant research, which is based on Agung’s opinion in his book that the researcher takes part of the study.
Also this research was used to give the ideas of empirical evidence about using story mapping method on improving the students’ understanding of narrative text. The explanation above agrres with Nazir’s argumentation in his book. He states that a research is a research of knowladge and giving meaning continuelly about something.
Morever, this research was regarded as one of ways for the researcher to widen his knowladge about teaching reading method, especially the idea about story mapping method in teaching narrative text.

E.     Key Terms
1.      Reading is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them.
2.      Method is a programmed procedure that is defined as a part of a class and included in any object of that class.
3.      Story mapping is a strategy that uses a graphic organizer to help students learn the elements of a book or story.
4.      Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems.
5.      An EFL Classroom is in a country where English is not the dominant language.


A.    Narrative Text
1.      The Understanding of Narrative Text
There are two main categories of texts, literary and factual. Within these, there are various text types. Each type has a common and usual way of using language. In this paper, the writer will only dicuss one of the texts that is being used for his researach, that is narrative text.
A narrative is a text that tells a story and, in doing so, entertains the audience. Also, its narrative purpose is mainly to inform often contains large passage arranging the events in a story strictly in chronological order.
Narrative can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables, romances and adventure stories, myths and legends). Anderson and Kathy describe many different types of narrative; namely humour, romance, crime, real life fiction, historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, diary novel, and adventure.
From the explanation above, narrative text is a story occurred in past time
which its social funtion is to emuse or entertain the readers. It is written with certain characteristics and its language features.
Chatman classified narrative text into four basic elements as follows:
a.       Characters
In every story, there must be characters that play in it. There are two characters take place within a story. They are main characters and secondary characters. Character is the single most important element in the narrative text. It describe physical of the character such as age, weight, height, even personality traits including the strength and weaknesses. A character is the most important part in the story which will be more focus in it. He or she plays the role of the story.
b.      Settings
Settings are what author writes to describe the reader where and when the story takes place. The setting addresses the location (where) and period (when) of the story whether the story tells a reader among realistic, historical fiction or fantasy.
c.       Plot
The plot includes a series of episodes or events written by the author to hold the reader’s attention and to build excitement as the story progresses. The plot contains an initiating event, starting the main character of the series of events toward problem solving. A good writer will make the reader drown to the plot of the story that he writes. The writer will be as an actor of the story its self.
d.      Conclusion
The writer ends up the story by summarizing and telling the solution of the problems in the story. This last part is called by conclusion.

2.      The Purpose of Narrative Text
People write narrative text might be basically for pleasure, to gain and hold the reader’ interest in a story. It means that they like to write any kinds of stories to entertain or even to teach the readers about the writer’s reflection on
This is one idea to Anderson’s explanation that narrative is used to present
a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or listener. It is also to entertain the readers or listener by presenting a story.
From the explanation above, it means that the social function of narrative text is to emuse the reader or listener, other than providing entertainment, can be to make the audience thinks about an issue, teach them a lesson, or excite their emotions.

3.      The Schematic Structures of Narrative Text
The generic structures of narrative texts are orientation, complication, sequence of events, resolution, and Coda.
A more detailed generic structure of narrative text has been proposed by Anderson and Anderson who argue that a narrative text includes
a.       Orientation that sets the scene (when and where) and introduces participants/character (who).
b.      Complication where a crisis arises and something happened unexpectedly.
c.       Resolution when the crisis is resolved in which the characters finally sort out the complication.
d.      A code which is closing to the narrative (an optional step).

Schematic Structures
Once upon time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were died.
Major Complication
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White didn’t want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry.
Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, What is your name? Snow White said, ‘My name is Snow White’.
Major     Resolution

Doc said, If you wish, you may live here with us’. Snow White said, ‘Oh could (I)? Thank you’. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

4.      The Linguistic Features of Narrative Text
The language features usually found in a narrative are:
·         Specific characters
·         Time words that connect events to tell when they occur
·         Verbs to show the actions that occur in the story
·         Descriptive words to portray the characters and settings
The language features shown above are being used by a narrator. There always be specific characters in every story. For instance, in the story of Snow White above, the specific character is Snow White. Time words are also used in that story, for example "One day.....”.And also the last two language features.
The language features are provided to help the readers in understanding the story. By past tense used, the readers will know what happened in the story. Conjunction is also really important to describe the characters and settings of the Story.
From the explanation above, narrative text has certain language features which is adapted from a story. It shows how the whole story is, also it becomes a special characteristic of narrative text among other texts.

B.     Story Mapping
1.      The Understanding of Story Mapping Method
Generally, the target of a reading activity is to get understanding of a text. That is why sometimes the students are being taught in a less teacher directed manner in order to make them practicing the previous lesson and then use their skill to improve their knowledge. Idol Maestas and Croll (1985) demonstrate this using a reader-directed story map study guide procedure structured to take readers’ attention to the elements of story grammar (e.g., setting, problem, goal, action) during reading. One of the easy way to make the students understand the text easily is by using story mapping.
Before explaining more about story mapping method, it should be better to
know first the origin of this method. According to Pamela J. Farris, the origin of story maps lies within story grammar research. the term story grammar refers to the hierarchical rules or psychological structures that people use to create and remember stories, the skeleton underlying a story, so to speak. These psychological models of comprehension and memory are used by both adults and children to encode and store in formation in their long-term memories.
The term story mapping consists of two different words. They are story and mapping. Based on Hornby in Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary ‘story’ is a description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in order to entertain people.
Story is also regarded as a fiction selection to entertain a reader; as a part of pleasure. On the other side, map is defined as a drawing to describe or give information about something, especially the way it is arranged or organized. So, if
the word is added with –ing, become mapping, it could be defined as a sketch or drawing that shows location or relation between things or place. In other word it is
an action to make a map.
From the explanation above, it means that story map is a graphic or semantic visual representation of a story. The map will illustrate a way to provide an overview af a story. It may consist of brief information about characters,
setting, problem, goal, events and resolution.
It means that story mapping is a technique used after story has ben read. It includes identifying the main elements, and categorizing the main events in sequential order. A graphic representation is often used to illustrate the story structureand sequence of events. Story mapping also can be referred as word mapping or idea mapping. They are strategies which designed to show how the concept or key words of a story are related one another. The result is shown through graphic representation. So, the whole story will be shown at the end systematically.
Based on the concept of some experts above, it could be concluded that story mapping method is a way to understand a story by illustrating it into a chart of map. It describes how the story is. Some clues of a story are attached in the map, so it guides the reader to understand the whole story.

2.      The Purposes of Story Mapping
Pamela stated that there are some purposes of story mapping. They are:
Ø  Enhances meaning with mental imagery.
Ø  Links past experience to the words and ideas in the text.
Ø  Allows readers to create mental images from words in the text.
Ø  Enables readers to place themselvesin the story.
Ø  Strengthens a reader’s relationship to the text.
Ø  Stimulates the imaginative thinking.
Ø  Brings joy to reading.
Ø  Heightens engagement with text.

Based on the purposes above it means that the function of story mapping method are expected to facilitate and help the students getting a good understanding of a story or text and supposed to comprehen the mean of whole text.

3.      The Technique of Using Story Mapping Method
Before applying this method, the teacher is supposed to know well how to apply and use it. The following steps are the general procedure to follow when preparing a basic story map:
a.       Read the story. Write a sequenced summary of the main ideas, key events, and characters that make up the plot of the story.
b.      Place the title, theme, or topic of the story in the center of the graphic story map in a predominant box or at the top of the semantic chart.
c.       Draw enough ties projecting out symmetrically from the center of the map to accommodate the major events of the story’s plot. Attach related pieces or second-level information from the summary list to these ties in chronological order, moving clockwise around the center. The semantically organized chart is simply arranged by story elements, so information is transferred to it accordingly.
d.      Draw additional ties projecting out symmetrically from each secondary box to accommodate the important details associated with the key plot event, adding relevant information from the summary list.
e.       Review the final semantic chart or story map for completeness.

Those steps are preview of procedure how to apply the story mapping method theoretically. Here the writer will make the graphic of story mapping to draw the steps above.
Figure 2.1: Story Map

4.      The Advantages and disadvantages of Story Mapping Method
In every techniques or methods, they have some advantages and disadvantages, and story mapping does too. Its advantages, it could be helpful for students and also the teacher. In her book, Pamela stated that when created as part of the process of preparing a reading lesson, teachers become more involved in thinking about the structure of the story they are to teach and how each part of the story relates to the others. It means that completing a story map chart helps students to focus on lesson, leads to more purposeful teaching, and the result is a better quality learning experience for the students. So, the target of learning will be closer to get perfectly.
Also, there are some advantages of story mapping for the students. They are:
a.       Students will be more easily understand how the story pieces mesh.
b.      By mapping, students can store some information of the story from their personal schema.
c.       It facilitates to recall of story elements more completely.
d.      It enhances the students’ ability to interpret the story by visualizing story characters, events and setting.
e.       To increase the students’ comprehension of selection by organizing and sequencing main story events.
f.       It will increase the students’ awareness that story characters and events are interrelated.
g.      To develop the students’ sense of story which will assist story telling, retelling and writing.
h.      The students’ knowledge continually applies when they predict what might happen nextin one story after another.

On the other side, story mapping has also some disadvantages. They are :
a.       Story mapping can be applied only for certain kinds of text, such as narrative text, then the maps can be applied to the stories, particularly the shorter text.
b.      Applying story mapping in teaching narrative text needs a longer time than without using this method. Therefore, this method can not be used for anytime of teaching.

C.    Teaching Narrative Text by Using Story Mapping Method
Jeanne M. Stone suggests to give the students an idea of what is expected before the students begin creating their own maps. Using story mapping in teaching narrative text, there are some steps which should be done by the teacher systematically. Pamela told clearly about these steps. They are:

Step 1
Introduce to the students the concept of story mapping together with what benefits for students are. Tell the students that story mapping would be helpful to develope their reading comprehension of a story. Make them sure using story mapping will give more understanding about narrative text.
Step 2
Explain the major components of story mapping through identifying a story first concerning to figure out the title, the theme of the story, the important characters and personality traits of specific participants of a story, after that identifying the orientation or significant plot developements. It leads to sequence of action to note characters’ attempts in overcoming problems, then evoke to get the solution. A teacher needs to give the interactive instruction for each story component clearly. Build questioning to the students before or after reading the story to construct their motivation or to check their comprehension. After students read a story, let them fill out section of the story map worksheet. Make sure that all the components of story mapping form are defined.
Step 3
Direct them when the students commit errors to reread the story using guidance question even modeling to help them come up with an appropriate response, to make the students get the focus on the target of reading.
Step 4
Ask students to read independently. Encourage them to write the answers using key words only while the teacher is still questioning such as ‘who is the main character? what is he like? where does the story take place? what problem does happen mostly? how is the end of the story? Etc.’ After that give some comments to the students for appropriately identifying story mapping elements. And then evaluate the answers to make sure them fix to the appropriate questions.
Step 5
Have students through selected stories and complete the story map worksheet on theirs after students use the story mapping technique independently. And then, check students’ responses and share individually with those students requiring additional guidance and support them.
Step 6
Prepare some exercises and give them to the students to evaluate. It will measure the students’ comprehension of the story. It is done individually through to take students’ daily score.

Based on Joy’s statement in his book that various kinds of graphic representation have also been successfully used with students learning as a second language.


A.    The Time and Place of the Research
The research will be conducted from March up to April 2018. The research takes place at SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar which is located on Jalan Laguboti Ujung. The reason of taking the research for this educational level, because this level should master narrative text. It is one of the important kinds of texts for final test or national final examination.

B.     Subject of  Research
The subject of this research is the second grade students of SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar in 2017/2018 academic year. Exactly, it is at the second semester of the year. There will be 35 students in class VIII B as respondents of the research. There are some reasons why the subject was chosen. Such as; the students of this class have lower ability in English lesson, especially in reading English text, the class has a enough quantity of the students to do research.

C.    Instrument of Research
There are four kinds of instruments used to get the data in this research. They are observation sheet, interview guidelines, questionnaires, and test form. Observation sheet and interview guidelines are used to get qualitative data, and to obtain quantitative data, questionnaires and test form are used. Two both research methods will be applied to support each other. Both methods can be used together or combined.
To make it clearer, here are some explanations about each instrument.
1.      Observation Sheet
Observation is a research instrument which has special character among other research instruments. It observes not only about the person, but also the environment.
Observation sheet is used as the first research instrument. This season, the researcher as only an observer. Because the researcher takes a nonparticipant observation. The observer is not involved and only as an independent observer.
This season is used to monitor and record the data of the teacher’s and students’ performance during learning and teaching process in the class. The data from this season is used as a basis data to continue to the next season. Also, the data is used to prepare all the materials needed in the following steps.

2.      Interview guideline
Interview guideline is used as a tool to collect data, if the researcher have known the information which will be gotten. So, the researcher have prepared a research instrument as some questions with their answer.
This season is used also to get the data needed. It will be done direct to the subject orally. The interview is conducted to the English teacher and students of
SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar at second grade. This process will be applied before and after Classroom Action Research. This season is used to complete the qualitative data.

3.      Questionnaires
Questionnaires is a technique of collecting data by giving some questions
or written statements to respondents to be answered. Much information can be gathered by means of a written questionneir presented to the subject. As compared with interviewing, the written questionnaire is typically more efficient and practical and allows for the use of a larger sample.
Further some advantages of this technique are that standard instructions are given to all subjects and personal appearance, mood, or conduct of the investigator will not color the result. There are two types of questionnaire. They are structured and unstructured questionnaire. Otherwise, the structured questionnaire is used in this research which contains the questions and alternative answers to them.

4.      Test
Written test is used to collect data in this season. There are two kinds of tests used to gain the data . They are pre-test and post-test. Both will be done before and after the implementation of using story mapping in teaching narrative text. The purpose of this season is to measure students’ understanding of narrative text, also to obtain the quantitative data. Tasks are proposed as useful vehicles for applying these principles.

D.    Data Sources
The data of this research is got from the process and procedure of the research instrument and the result of teaching narrative text by using story mapping. According to Arikunto in his book that data sources is subject which is
got from.  All the instruments to get the data are prepared and made before implementing CAR. Such as; time table, observation sheet, interview gudelines, pre action test form, lesson plan, teaching materials, post action test, and so on. Also, some data is got from English teacher of SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar which is based on himself document. And the data of the students’ evaluation is given and calculated by the researcher. In the final, the result of comparison between pre action test and post action test score become a real evidence to measure the students’achievement.

E.     The Role of the Researcher
The role of the researcher in this reserach is a main actor. In the observation season, the writer acts as an independent observer, she does not involve in teaching learning process. Then, in the next season, the writer takes a part of teaching learning process. The writer acts as the English teacher in the research process. Therefore, the writer prepares a lesson plan and pre action test before implementing story mapping method in teaching narrative text process, also post action test form after implementation. In the final, she will calculate and
Analyze data to make a report as a result of the research.

F.     The Data Collecting Procedure
In gathering the data of this research, there are some techniques used, namely; observation, interview, questionnaire and test. To make it clearer, here are the following details:
1.      Observation
Through the observation as the first technique of collecting data. In this technique, the data will be taken from the notes about everything happened during teaching learning process which are about the teacher’s treatment to the students,which method the teacher used and how the process worked. The observation also are about students’ responses and participation in teaching learning process. This method also as a barometer to do previous data collecting. By direct observing, there are possibilities to take some notes, behavior, development, and so on, which happens any time.

2.      Interview
The way of collecting data of pre-action is used also interview guidelines. It is the second technique to get more information in collecting data. There two kinds of interview which are used. They are: unstructured interview and structured interview. The interview will be conducted to both English teacher and some students who are the participants of teaching learning process. The nterview is about the English teaching learning process at SMPN 3 Pematangsiantar which is conducted before and after implementing story mapping in teaching narrative text. Then, the result of interview is taken as guidelines to complete the data needed.

3.      Questionnaire
In this collecting data technique, gaining the data is conducted twice, pre-action and after implementing CAR. It is used structured questionnaire which contained the questions and alternative answers to them. In this technique, the students are supposed to choose one of the alternative answers according to their personal estimation of each question. After conducting this phase, it will result a percentage of students’ response. Its aim is to support other data to get a valid research result.

4.      Test
The test is the last technique used to know about the students’ improvement of understanding narrative text by using story mapping method. This technique is used to know the students’ achievement in learning narrative text by using story mapping. It may be as the main technique in collecting data. So, this technique will be told more how this technique worked to prove that story mapping could improve the students’ understanding of narrative text.
The result of tests were provided by some tables to make it more eficient
and communicative enough.
In General, there are many Classroom Action Research designed by some experts. Otherwise, in this research used Kurt Lewin’s design for many reasons. It is easy to be applied, applicable, suitable for this study. Kurt Lewin’s design consists of four phases within one cycle. They are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Teacher is possible to find a new problem or the previous unfinished problems yet after applying first cycle. If it happens, it is necessary to do same way to submit the second cycle. Here some explanations about each phase and how it works.

1.      Cycle 1
a.       Planning
In this season, the research is conducted as a real action. Its aim is to know what problems of the students in learning English in terms of reading lesson especially in understanding narrative texts. So, the English teacher will know what she should do. Therefore, in this phase, there are many things should be prepared to start the action. Firstly, lesson plan is prepared to make a scenario of the action. Then, choosing teaching materials, After that, making time table, preparing all of media which needed, also preparing evaluation sheet to measure the students’ achievement in the end of this cycle.

b.      Acting
In this phase, everything which is determined on the lesson plan is done as on the scenario. Firstly,  the teacher asks the students about narrative text and their difficulties in understanding the texts. Then, the teacher explains the schematic structures of narrative texts and everythingthat can be found in narrative texts. After that, the teacher introduces and explains what story map is with the strategy used by students in learning narrative text. Next, askes the students to filled out some points in the story map according to the texts which will be given.

c.       Observing
In this phase, the teacher observes the process worked also the students’ response, participation, achievement and everything which is found during the teaching and learning process. Also, it is necessary to ask some students’ opinion about the process of teaching and learning narrative text by using story mapping to get feedback. When observing, the teacher should notice all of activities in the classroom. It is done in order to get accurate result in the end of the research and to prepare for the next agenda.

d.      Reflecting
In this last phase, the teacher will reflect the whole action based on data that will have been collected, and then it is necessary to give some evaluation before continue to the next cycle. This phase is carried out collaboratively, that is to discuss some further problems occurred in the class with the students. Its aim, the reflection is able to be determined after implementing the action and observation outcomes. If there are still some problems, so it is needed to start the next cycle. By continuing to the next cycle, it is expected that the unfinished problems yet can be overcome and the target can be achieved. The researcher tried
to find some more interesting stories, it is based on sarah’s suggestion in her book.

2.      Cycle 2
a.       Planning
Cycle 2 begins from making new lesson plan with some revised part. It was aimed to get better of implementation the method. As the planning phase in Cycle 1, also the teacher makes preparation of teaching aids. Evaluation and post test 2 are prepared to know students' achievements in the end of this cycle. The teacher also re-selects the topics and teaching aids to motivate students, so that they will get a better understanding of the texts.

b.      Acting
In this phase; the researcher applies the new lesson plan. As the teacher, the researcher also emphasizes and reviews schematic structures to the students in order to make them getting better understanding. In this phase, the students are also taught to paraphrase a story. Generally, it does all the activities in cycle 1, to
make sure the students understand well about the concept.

c.       Observing
The researcher observes students’ participation and achievement in this phase. Here, the researcher tries to make sure whether students improve their understanding or not and differs their achievements between cycle 1 and cycle 2.

d.      Reflecting
The teacher discusses about the implementation of the method also the result of the implementation of the modified action and decides whether the action should be continued or not.

G.    The Techniques of Data Analysis
The observation and interview are conducted before and after Classroom Action Research used to analyze qualitative data. On the other side, to conduct the
quantitative data, it is conducted questionnaire and test. Here several steps will be done to get the data. There is some numerical data to be processed. First, the researcher measures the average or mean of students’ reading score per-action within one cycle. It is used to know how the students’ reading skills are improved. It uses the formula as below:
          : mean or average.
Sx        : total score of all students.
n          : number of students.

Next, the writer will try to get the class percentage which pass the minimal mastery level kriterian (KKM) considering English subject gains score 75 (seventy five). The formula is:
P          : Pre test presentage.
F          : Total students who get score ≥ 75.
n          : Number of students.

Then, after getting average of students’ score per-action, the researcher will identify whether the students improve their understanding of narrative text from pre-test up to post test 1 in cycle 1 and post test 2 in cycle 2. The writer will use the formula below to analyze the data :
P          : Presentage of students’ improvement.
y1        : Average of post test 1.
y          : Mean of pre-test.

P          : Presentage of students’ improvement.
y2        : Average of post test 2.
y          : Mean of pre-test.


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